创意MG图形动画制作视频教程 Crafting Visual Essays
教程讨论了从项目的概念发展和过程,一直到每部电影中使用的制作技术的所有内容。这个工作坊提供了一个独特的幕后一瞥,让我们一睹这些关于开创性人物的电影的创作过程:伦纳德·科恩、珍妮尔·莫奈和大卫·阿滕伯勒。在短短 15 周内制作了 3 部近 3 分钟的电影,特别关注做出了哪些决定、原因以及感觉如何。创意概念讲解教程,非详细制作教程。涉及到的软件: After Effects 和 Photoshop .
In this Workshop, award-winning director and founder of Holdframe, Joe Donaldson, talks about the series he created for The New Yorker. We discuss everything from the project’s conceptual development and process, all the way down to the production techniques used in each film. This Workshop offers a unique behind-the-scenes glimpse at what went into creating each of these films on seminal figures: Leonard Cohen, Janelle Monáe, and David Attenborough. Focusing specifically on what decisions were made, why, and what it was like producing 3, nearly 3-minute films, in just 15-weeks.
上一篇:C4D/Nuke/Ae/Mocha高级视频特效合成制作教程 VFX Central – VFX Crash Course
栏 目:软件培训
下一篇:AK大神中文字幕AE教程视频全集 (01-169) 学习AE必看教程 Video Copilot – Andrew Kramer
本文标题:创意MG图形动画制作视频教程 Crafting Visual Essays
- 10-29AE教程-制作MG卡通场景循环动画 Loop Pool: The Best Beginner’s Project For Adobe After Effects
- 10-29AE教程-文字动画制作 Your Ultimate Guide to Text Animation in Adobe After Effects
- 10-29AE教程-学习制作电影视觉特效动画 Loki VFX for Beginners using After Effects
- 10-29AE教程-制作彩色图形背景循环动画 Looping Animated Backgrounds in After Effects
- 10-29AE教程-模拟电影效果视频调色教程 Get The Film Look To Your Digital Videos in Adobe Premiere and
- 10-29AE教程-制作彩色炫光叠加转场动画特效(英文字幕) Create Light Leaks and Transitions in After Effects
- 10-29AE教程-学习制作手绘卡通文字图形动画 Create Hipster Hand Animated Calligraphy
- 10-29AE教程-多个人物同时出现在画面中定格特效动画制作 Freeze Framing in After Effects
- 10-29AE教程-制作机械臂图形动画(英文字幕) Animation for Beginners in After Effects
- 10-29AK大神中文字幕AE教程视频全集 (01-169) 学习AE必看教程 Video Copilot – Andrew Kramer
- 1AE教程-制作MG卡通场景循环动画 Loop Pool: The Best Beginne
- 2AE教程-文字动画制作 Your Ultimate Guide to Text Anima
- 3AE教程-学习制作电影视觉特效动画 Loki VFX for Beginners usin
- 4AE教程-制作彩色图形背景循环动画 Looping Animated Background
- 5AE教程-模拟电影效果视频调色教程 Get The Film Look To Your D
- 6AE教程-制作彩色炫光叠加转场动画特效(英文字幕) Create Light Leaks
- 7AE教程-学习制作手绘卡通文字图形动画 Create Hipster Hand Anima
- 8AE教程-多个人物同时出现在画面中定格特效动画制作 Freeze Framing in A
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