AE教程-制作MG卡通场景循环动画 Loop Pool: The Best Beginner’s Project For Adobe After Effects
如果您对学习 After Effects 的有趣初学者项目感兴趣,那就别无所求!动画循环是学习动画、插图、角色设计、装配等等的好方法。我会在那里与您一起创建我自己的动画循环!让我指导您完成 After Effects 的所有棘手部分,这样程序就可以摆脱您的束缚,让您找到有趣的东西。课程结束时,您将拥有自己的动画循环,您可以将其发布到社交媒体上,以打动您所有的朋友。这个课程设计为对以前从未打开过 After Effects 的人来说是平易近人的,但这对于所有技能水平的人来说都是一个很棒的项目!即使您已经掌握了一些 After Effects 知识,但您不确定应该用它做什么,这也是巩固您的技能组合的好方法。After Effects是您需要安装的唯一强制性程序,但我发现在Illustrator 中创建角色更容易,因此您应该尽可能安装它!安装 Adobe Media Encoder也很有用,可以更轻松地导出我们的动画循环。
If you’re interested in a fun beginner project to learn After Effects then look no further! Animated loops are a great way of learning animation, illustration, character design, rigging and so much more. I’ll be there creating my own animated loop alongside you! Let me guide you through all of the tricky parts of After Effects, so the program can get out of your way and you get to the fun stuff. By the end of the class, you’ll have your very own animated loop that you can post on social media to impress all of your friends.
上一篇:AE教程-文字动画制作 Your Ultimate Guide to Text Animation in Adobe After Effects
栏 目:软件培训
下一篇:【PS2021】带你学会PS2021版本 140节带你从零基础入门到精通
本文标题:AE教程-制作MG卡通场景循环动画 Loop Pool: The Best Beginner’s Project For Adobe After Effects
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